Serial Number 986XX This Gun is “ANTIQUE” Ship right to your Door”Į-mail me for more picture at shipping $35.00Īlways check availability before ordering. The Colt Single Action Army revolver is often described as The gun that won the West, and along with the Winchester and Marlin lever actions that’s pretty much true. 45 Colt.38 Special wasnt even invented until 1902.

Your friends gun, 97xxx was made in 1883, and the original caliber wouldve been. Comes with a factory letter this gun was shipped to William Read & Sons Boston, Massachusetts in Septemin a 3 gun Shipment. Your friends SAA is whats known at an Intermediate Blackpowder SAA, manufactured from 1876 to 1890, in serial range 22,000 to 130,000, in calbers. Mechanically in good condition with a tight cylinder lockup in single action this is an all matching serial number gun it has all the markings of the Battle of Britain gun. Comes with Colt one piece wood grips in very good condition. 44-40, with a good bore 7 ½’ barrel, Manufactured in Hartford Connecticut in 1884 on top of the barrel one line Colt address and hard to see on the side of the frame is three line patent address on the trigger guard is 44 CF. It was a fine gun and one of the most accurate SAAs of my extensive experience. 38-40 was resurrected and I got one of the first.

Made on the same machinery and to the same standards. By 1993 Colt added the SAA back to the catalog with caliber options being only. #C134 Colt SAA 1883 British Proof Battle of Britain, re-blue 100% Cal. Using genuine Colt parts ensures the same fit, finish, and quality found on the original firearm.